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Update News 2022!

Happy New Years!I hope that everyone had a great Christmas holiday and end to 2021! Here we are in a new year. The pandemic continues but here we are in 2022! I am excited and proud to announce that my new book is in the works of being published as we speak! Pathway to Greatness is my newest book project, I am excited about it, it is the follow up  to The Silent Dreamer. I truly feel like we were made to be great, to live in greatness! we were made for so much more, to be the head and not the tail as scripture tells us! You and I were not made to just be ordinary, but to be the greatest version of the person God created us to be! to be kinder, to live a life at the next level! I am excited about 2022 and hope that you are as well. What do you want to accomplish this year? And what will it take for you to acheive those things? For starters lets get up and get moving towards making plans and dreams come true! its your time, this is your season and year of living in greatness! Folks I am so fired up for this new year, it is my mantra for the year, the word GREATNESS! Let it be yours as well, let us see how far this will take us this year, I am believing for unlimited opportunities! Stay safe and remain prayerful my friends, family and followers, the best is yet to come in 2022! We were made for greatness, lets live like it!